Investment Services

Working capital is the lifeblood of any business and growth capital is the future lifeblood of any business. Attracting investment to grow a business can be a challenging and highly distracting process for any founders. Mandating a third party to take on the responsibility of managing the process can significantly reduce the impact on the business and also greatly increase the chances of success.

Rockbridge works with founders to achieve not only the required growth capital but also the perfect fit of equity partners and/or debt providers. One without the other can be counterproductive. In particular, Rockbridge can promote the opportunity to international investors, for example in China and the Middle East, through it’s global network.

This process can take anywhere between six and twelve months. Ideally a client company will have all accounts and contractual arrangements up to date, improving the time frame to completion.

Rockbridge fees are based largely on the successful completion of the fund raise with a Fundraise Fee of 5% being charged on the investment quantum up to NZ$10m. This is only paid upon successful completion of the investment. A monthly retainer of $4000 is also charged, for six months, which is offset against the Fundraise Fee.

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